Sunshine Smiles and Happiness – Randolf Jorberg is a very yellow, ADHD entrepreneur, nomad & changemaker.
Phiwe Sobekwa
Update: Onako didn’t materialize, this is just for the archives.
This is an extraordinary business plan and call for support and funding. Phiwe is driven and has the desire to change her environment in the town ships. A friend of mine met Phiwe and will coach and support her venture. I did register and redirected it to this blogpost until someone helps builds ONAKO a proper website. Please contact Phiwe directly to offer your help or donate now!
Now let’s listen to Phiwe in her own strong words:
I am Phiwe Sobekwa, born on the 22/06/79 in the Eastern Cape.
I did my primary school in the Eastern Cape, then moved to Cape Town to live with my mom. I then attended Immacula Secondary School where I later matriculated and went to Cape College where I attained my Diploma as an Educarer, since then I have been working with children for the past 10 years.
My mom played a significant role in my life as my father since my father left my mom when I was born, and till this day I have never seen him nor heard from him.
My mom had to raise me and my 2 siblings, 3 kids in total, all alone. We lived in a shack ‘Squatter camp’ with no electricity however through the hardships, my mom was able to work hard to put food on the table and also take us to school.
It breaks my heart to see kids that suffer so much, these kids suffer malnutrition, while their parents spend social benefits that belong to the kids on drugs and alcohol, these kids are being abused verbally, socially & physically hence I want to start this organisation, to hand in a helping hand, because I too come from the same background.
I want to give them a chance I never got, show them they too can be the leaders of tomorrow, no kid deserves to live like a prisoner or an animal which brings me to my next point:
I would like to start up my own project called ONAKO which means ‘Do what you possibly can’.
I chose this name in memory of my late niece who was diagnosed with brain tumor at the age of 3 years in which the doctors advised us that there was nothing they could do to help her.
The ONAKO development project’s main objective is to help disadvantaged kids with their homework.
The majority of their parents never went to school.
They can’t afford to pay for extra classes.
Children fear to communicate with their teachers.
Teachers can’t give the kids attention as they have too many kids in one class. i.e. a primary school down the road has more than 60 kids in one classroom.
Parents are too drunk and don’t care about the child’s progress at school nor at home hence 75% of the youth fall to teenage pregnancy.
We will give pregnant teenagers a chance to finish school or prep them for when they go back to school.
With that much said, I would like to say thank you for this opportunity of sharing my life story with you, and hope that you will take all these points into consideration.
If you want to donate from Germany you can even get a donation receipt: Überweisung mit der Zweckangabe „ONAKO“ an: GLS Zukunftsstiftung Entwicklung, Konto Nr. 123 300 10 bei GLS Bank Bochum, BLZ 430 609 67
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