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Dead Whale removed on Cape Town promenade…

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It was this morning that I read via bradley on twitter that a Whale was currently removed from the Sea Point promenade. I was on the scene a few minutes later and could shoot the following incredible photos:

dead whale in Cape Town

I spoke to an officer in charge and he told me the whale is a Southern right whale, weighting ‘only’ 15 tons and he had between 9-10 meters in length, before he broke into three pieces when they initially tried lifting him out of the water. The whale was dead for a couple of days already, which you could certainly smell, when you were close as we were…

3 comments Dead Whale removed on Cape Town promenade…

Alex says:

Ganz schön eklig so ein toter Wal in Stücken.

Graham J says:

And to think they make perfume from whale blubber! Poor fella but glad its gone before I arrive next week. Great pics. G

JB says:

I was in the hotel across the street at the time. My son saw the carcass the night before, and from my hotel room I saw what I thought was part of the carcass flow out to sea. I watched the preparation for the recovery, but had to leave before the recovery itself.

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