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The Anti-Googlebomb Algo myth

If Matt Cutts says that the Googlebomb Problem was solved using a new algorythm that must be correct. After all it THE Matt Cutts from all-beloved Search-Engine Giant Google! Or is it possible that they lie to you? Why do they still claim that everything on Google’s result pages is still ordered by algorythms? Because it’s still done the manual way, they still don’t get the ‘smaller’ language-specific Googlebombs like the case of ‘völlige inkompetenz‘ (complete incompetence in german) that ranks the austrian politician Karl-Heinz Grasser #1 when searching for it with Google:

Völlige Inkompetenz

funny enough: when the safe search is activated the politicians webpage does not appear in the Google results. Does it mean that Google thinks of this Politician’s (empty) homepage as an adult site?

safesearch on

There were too many lies about Googlebombing-Algos on the internet – hope that stops somehow soon. Google just started manually modifying their rankings on a massive scale and tries to hide that from their observers.

On a side note: the most impressive changes in the search rankings due to the manual anti googlebomb ‘algo’ was caused for the term ‘exit‘. Before Google shuffled the results the Top 3 spots were occupied by, Google and Yahoo, who’re linked by tens of thousand adult sites with an ‘exit’ button on their index page but that is gone by now.

2 comments The Anti-Googlebomb Algo myth

[…] The Anti-Googlebomb Algo myth […]

[…] (English version) Seit Januar hat Google ein Problem weniger. Am 25. Januar hat Matt Cutts bekanntlich verkündet, dass das Googlebomb Problem von Google mit einem Algorithmus gelöst wurde. Oder ist es – wie von einigen in der Öffentlichkeit eher stillen Beobachtern vermutet – möglich, dass es sich in diesem Fall um eine Falschaussage handelt? Wie sonst ist es zu erklären, dass die uralte Googlebomb ‘völlige inkompetenz‘ für den österreichischen Politiker Karl-Heinz Grasser weiterhin funktioniert? […]

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