If you read my social network statuses around October 6th: I’m happily back in South Africa and I intend to stay here for all summer, do lotsa business and live life. I’m not alone anymore, …
Category: South Africa
weather.co.za is finally live!
We’re happy to announce that we’ve finally launched the new weather.co.za. We just started with a basic 5-day weather forecast service that gives you the weather for more than 90 locations in South Africa without …
Angel Investments in South Africa…
Update from 2014: Since writing these blogposts on angel investments in South Africa in 2008 and 2011 I became an advisor and Angel Investor at Startup-Incubator Springlab. Please pitch your startup to Springlab, if you’re …
Randolf in Cape Town
It’s now more than a month that I arrived back in Cape Town and lots of things happened but I never got a blogpost ready to talk about these events. Life here is as different …