
#ExtortionMustEND Let’s put an end to extortion in South Africa!

Featured Post Image - #ExtortionMustEND Let’s put an end to extortion in South Africa!
Crackdown on extortion against the backdrop of BEERHOUSE on Long Street. Edit by the Daily Maverick

More and more people have been expressing their frustration and fear about the growing problem of extortion in South Africa. It’s no longer limited to whispers or isolated incidents—it’s become a nationwide issue that affects people from all walks of life. That’s why we’re coming together under the #ExtortionMustEND hashtag in a Facebook group, Instagram channel on LinkedIn, a movement to bring awareness and drive change!

Any organization or individual that wants to become a founding partner to the ExtortionMustEND campaign, please contact me ASAP!

My business, Beerhouse, wasn’t the only victim of extortion. There are thousands of businesses that have either shut down or never opened because owners are living in constant fear. Entrepreneurs who dream of building something face the harsh reality that they must pay criminals for ‘protection’ just to operate in peace. This isn’t a singular problem; it’s widespread and affects businesses across industries—nightclubs, construction, restaurants, small retailers, and large enterprises alike.

In recent years, extortion has spread beyond business circles. Everyday South Africans are increasingly becoming victims, with incidents cropping up in schools, public transport, and even local communities. Parents are being pressured into paying so-called ‘security fees’ to ensure their children’s safety at schools. Taxi drivers and commuters are extorted by criminal syndicates who demand payments for ‘safe passage.’ The fear and lawlessness don’t stop there; neighborhoods are being forced to hand over money to gangs for the illusion of safety, while legitimate security providers are sidelined.

This culture of extortion has eroded trust in the government and police, who are often seen as either complicit or too under-resourced to combat these criminal enterprises. Instead of feeling protected, citizens feel like they’re caught in the crosshairs of criminal networks that have infiltrated nearly every layer of society. It’s not just an economic issue—it’s a crisis of safety, justice, and the very social fabric of South African life.

Beyond the immediate financial impacts, extortion is stifling economic growth and entrepreneurship. Many talented and ambitious South Africans are either being forced to shut down or emigrate, seeking opportunities in environments where they are free from constant threats. New businesses, which should be the heartbeat of a thriving economy, are strangled before they even get the chance to grow, many potential founders visiting from overseas shy away from establishing a business in South Afric a despite it’s beauty and potential.

But we refuse to give in to this. We refuse to let criminals dictate the fate of our communities and economy. We’re here to talk, strategize, and figure out real solutions—because this problem isn’t going away on its own. It’s up to us to demand action from the authorities, to stand together as a united front against extortion, and to work toward creating an environment where businesses and communities can thrive without fear.

It’s time for all South Africans to say, together: #ExtortionMustEND! Join us as we push for real change—because we all deserve to live and work in safety.

What can you do? Make a noise! Share your story in the group and everywhere else with the #ExtortionMustEND hashtag, invite your neighbours, friends and family, write to your councilor, report wrongdoing! DON’T LOOK AWAY OR BE SILENT when you see or hear anything that looks like extortion!

How it all began. All about the Cape Town Extortion WhatsApp group that started in August 2020

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